Whass up?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Latitude and longitude

Discovered today that you can track the distance of your visitors, meaning how far away you guys are. But first I had to tell blogger where I live (thought it was kinda clear since I stated Zürich, but you know computers, they are dumb). So when I clicked on distance it told me to do whatever. Meaning I had to click on a world map where I am, which wasn't so easy. I mean a world map on a small screen you may end up clicking by accident on Italy or Germany, it was that small.

There was however another option. You could state the lat and long on where you are. And here's the question, do you know the lat and long where you live? I don't. Have no clue to be honest. But managed by clicking a few times to get in the neighbourhood.

But being a kinda bean-counter by heart I suppose I have to google it. When I can be bothered :)


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