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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Vespa vulgaris

This horrible insect (in English wasp, in German vespa) has now been terrorizing me on the boat big time. Last time I was out, I realized it was because I had ice-tea in a glass. They apparently LOVED that. That has taught me never ever to bring non-alcoholic drinks on the boat. Wine apparently they don't care about. Interesting that how we are different :)

I have an unnatural fear of wasps. Don't know why, since I'm not allergic but I go bananas with one of them around. You should've seen me today. One of them was sitting on the upper side of the boat. I smacked it with my hand (at the same time smacking my hand into the side of the boat almost becoming lame)...and actually managed to sweep it into the water. He (she?) was trying to swim, failing big time. And there was me screaming "die, you bastard!". I know, not very mature, but felt good nevertheless.

Been to Australia twice. Although I really loved the place I could never live there. Wasps in Australia is like nothing. Try cockroaches, snakes and spiders the size of your hand...thanks but no thanks!


  • At 4:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    this item is just calling out for me to comment, so I better not disappoint.

    be honest now, when you visited our fair land how many spiders as big as your hand, snakes and cockroaches did you really see? (zoos, reptile houses etc dont count). In my 20+ years living here I've never seen a 'wild' as-big-as-your-hand spider or lived somewhere that had roaches, although this year might change that. The snakes though I'll give you. but all the cute koalas, kangaroos, wombats, echindas and especially platypusses make up for it.

    PS vespa is italian ;)

  • At 1:36 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    I saw two Huntsmen spiders...and promise, they were as big as my hand. They were in the house we rented up the coast from Sydney.

    Cockroaches are plentyful in Sydney, and I even stayed with a friend one night...and yes, there were roaches in the kitchen.

    A large snake I saw in the national park Tidbinbilla (name correct?).

    Vespa is actually latin, so yes Italian. Here in Switzerland they call them wespen, I checked in the dictionary.

  • At 12:21 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    And what the heck is echindas?


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