Whass up?

Monday, June 05, 2006


Is supposedly a good thing. And here in Switzerland they are known for it. Only my experience is not the best. Where I come from punctuality means people actually showing up on time, meaning showing respect for other people. My first Swiss experience here was my ex. Never on time. Not even once. Fine, I can live with that if I am told beforehand that the person will be late. He never did that either. And if you wanna ask if that was the only reason for us breaking up? Don't even go there :)...

Today, I was taking the bus into town (that's what you do here, public transportation is excellent). Except for the thing that I strolled down to the bus stop, smoking my ciggie, knowing that the bus would only be there 16 past. Wrong. 13 past, I had to run.

Worse, when I was just now going home, the bus was supposed to leave midnight exactly. 2 min before, it sailed passed me. Next one was 16 past midnight. Which I was on. Guess what? It left 13 past.

3 minutes you say? Not a biggie. But when it means sitting on a bench (close to that rat thing) I would beg to differ...


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