Whass up?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


There seems to be no end to friends having organs taken out of them. This evening another friend called. He had food poisoning and it ended up so bad, so that he now has to have the gallbladder taken out.

Again, I asked, what does the gallbladder do exactly? It stores bile and helps to dissolve the fat in your body. So I asked whether he would be huge as a balloon, but his take on it was that he'll be slim since the fat will pass right through the body. Hmmm...not sure about this. If the organ that processes fat is not there anymore, does that not mean that the fat stays?

But he told me from having food poisoning he already lost 14 kilos! Would it be terribly wrong if I asked to have just a small food poisoning?



  • At 7:18 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Oh, and I was supposed to mention in the blog that his arse now looks good. Told him to read the friggin blog himself, if he could be arsed :)


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