Whass up?

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Went to do some food shopping with my friends over there. And it's like in any new country. You don't recognize a thing. Well, apart from the obvious fruit and veg and stuff. The packaging is different, the brands are new, the lingo is not always understandable. American English is quite different from British English, much more than I realized. I guess the Americans I worked with and met over the years adjust their language to exclude slang when talking to Europeans.

And all the food is "sodium-free", "100% natural", "great flavour" (sorry flavor :), "pure", "premium", "original recipe", "great taste", "quality", "low in carbs" and/or "fat-free". Latter one not entirely visible amongst the population though :)

Luckily my friends are great cooks, so I only got to taste home-cooked meals. And they were great.


  • At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Welcome back in a country with proper food and coffee!

    Countrygirl from R.

  • At 12:21 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Thanks! Home sweet home :)


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