Whass up?

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Sorry for having been quiet for a few days. Did not go out Friday or Saturday, for the first time in a long time I had a quiet weekend. Why? Just didn't feel like going out. And had lots to prepare for next weekend.

Yesterday was shopping day. Flatmate and I went to buy drinks for party. Twice. Both times we had as much as we could possibly carry. White wine, red wine, mineral water, beer and Prosecco. Let me tell you, it was heavy.

Coupla hours later I realized I couldn't find the Prosecco. Not on the balcony, not in the kitchen, not under any of the beds (why it would be there I don't know, but since flatmate helped with unpacking...I thought I'd check). Oh dear. Turns out we forgot to pack this box in the shop. So had to go back for the third time, and voila! There it was, behind the cash counter. Showed my receipt, and they remembered me so got it back. Phew!

So drinkwise we are set to go. Food for the afternoon will be fixed by my personal caterer, except for the meatballs which we'll make later today. In the evening there'll be the menu previously blogged about. In a restaurant of course. I cannot house so many people in my flat. Not if I want them all to sit down. Which I do.

Hurray, I cannot wait to see you all next weekend! This'll be so much fun!


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