Whass up?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Strange phenomenon. For one like me who grew up in the time where there were no such things, I have taken to this type of communication like a fish to water. Had my first mobile phone back in 1996. Late I know, but couldn't afford it back then so had to wait until I got a company mobile.

Got my first sms the same year. Didn't know what it was. Oh, those were the naive times.

Reason I got to think about it, is when you feel like communicating with people (and believe me, there are times when I not) they never answer immediately. Well, some of them do but not the ones you want :)

But I guess it's the point of this type of communication. Being available when YOU want to, not necessarily when I want to...


  • At 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Topic: Mobile/SMS

    How times do change. I cannot imagine YOU without a mobile and SMS functionality.

    Thinking back those times you described (..for all who don’t know I'm at a similar age...growing up without mobile and sms) I remember a funny story with an answering machine that happens to me.

    It was some times in the seventies:
    The parents of a friend of mine installed an answering machine which I didn't know. So one day I called my friend and her father was on the phone. He said something like "..we are not at home but you can....". I started to speak to him "Hello Mr. F, this is me can I speak to..". Mister F. was still speaking "... after the beep...". Since my friends father was a very humorous person I just thought he's making a joke...So I went on speaking to him “.. Hey Mr. F., please stop joking I really need to speak to.." and so on .. and so on..

    You can imagine what happened. At that evening the whole family sat around the answering machine and listened to me. THEY had real fun. But I can tell you the voice of her father was like every time I spoke to him at the phone. But after a while - he still did not respond to me - I had the dim feeling that this was really an answering machine. How embarrassing!

    Ze German

  • At 10:23 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    I cannot imagine me without a mobile either. When it beeps or rings it's a sign somebody wants you, and there is no nicer feeling :). Mind you, talking about a private mobile, not a company one. Those calls I can live without :)

    PS. Your story emphasizes that 30 years later we can laugh about our mistakes :)

  • At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    This story is one of those I could laugh the same day this happened, 30 years later and very likely in another 30 years again.

    Ze German


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