Whass up?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Drama cont'd

So after all this hassle today, we decided that we needed a drink. To be honest it was already talked about yesterday, but really, after today it turned out that our prel plan was exactly what we needed. Told ya before, there is nothing like an outside "enemy" to bring a team together.

So in the afternoon off we went. To Boooooschänzli (see previously posted link...this is the Swiss pronunciation). Now, this is a beer tent. Basically. Meaning you drink. And drink. And drink. 1 liter glasses. And so forth. Eating? Yes, perhaps but it's not mandatory.

Can you guess the rest? Well at about six o'clock we were all standing on the wooden benches singing and clapping along to the music. It was still light outside, but none of us really cared by then :) Only, one of us fell (not me, ok?). Fortunately he was drunk enough so didn't really hurt himself. At this particular time one of the team-members decided it was a good idea to have a chat with the guards. Being a bit overwhelming and slightly aggressive (and pützeli drunk :) as he was, this was clearly not a good idea. Which we tried to tell him, to no avail.

So off the injured guy went, and with him (involuntarily) the "slightly-aggressive" guy. Left three of us. We stayed for a bit, but it was a kinda strange "fun" without the other two.

PS. Met up with the other two later, turned out they had not gone home as suggested. Yeah ok, did I really think they would?


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