Whass up?

Sunday, October 15, 2006


This means bless you, or really health. So when you sneeze this is the word. Only, you cannot even cough in this country without everybody around you have to say "Gesundheit!"

Have observed this on numerous occasions, and it really has begun to annoy me. When you attend a meeting or similar, and somebody sneezes, everything stops until everybody else has said the word. I mean really. It's of course nice to wish good health or bless you, but it's kinda late when you do it after the sneeze. Mind you, it would be difficult to do it before I guess.

It's just that it's only a word. Nobody actually means anything by it. Like the English say "how are you?", not expecting an answer. Have you ever tried telling an Englishman your medical history after the "how are you?" question? It's funny I tell you :) "You know, well today I feel better, but yesterday was really bad. Had this cold and and and...". That'll throw them off :)

And what worse is, you're supposed to say Danke (thank you) after all the Gesundheits! Imagine how funny it is when somebody has a sneezing fit :) and cannot stop. Lotsa Gesundheits and Dankes flying around (together with the germs I imagine).


  • At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Topic: Gesundheit

    I'm glad to be ill this week and should have recoverd at the follwing weekend. Ach, forgot there are just "a few" swizz people at the party:-)

    Regarding the "how are you": years ago I had a phone call with an english guy. Yes, he asked THE question of the phrase-mongering questions: How are you?

    I was soooooooo tired to hear this words again although they didn't mean anything at this moment. So I said: Oh I'm not so well today. Ups.....silence from the other side.....äh, mmmh, ooohh....

    As you said Annika, nobody does even think about that the answer could be something different from: thanks I'm well.

    Ze German

  • At 12:35 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    Which is why I refuse to say "Gesundheit" when somebody sneezes or coughs. Probably being regarded as unpolite.

  • At 12:54 AM, Blogger Standing under the Sky said…

    I enjoy your entries!

  • At 12:56 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    Thank you Sandy!


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