Whass up?

Monday, October 16, 2006


Inspired by the previous blog (and for those of you who are easily offended...please stop reading here...ok, I know you won't so here goes). Had a date with a French friendgirl of mine some time ago. She brought another woman, an American. The French woman and I knew each other from German class, and I assumed that the American was her friend. As you do.

Turned out they only just met each other the same day. The American woman was a former girlfriend of the current boyfriend of the French woman. She was just passing through Switzerland and had called her ex to ask if she could stay with him for a few nights. She could. But it was kinda a strange setting. Only these days anything is possible, right?

Anyway, the funny was that we got to talk about men...ok, maybe not funny, kinda predictable. So we talked about how men look naked. None of us thought it was an appealing view. I heard about this "hanging thing", so I said to the American woman that I have never seen a man in that condition so what was the problem? Not sure she got it, but she did the polite thing and laughed :)


  • At 1:44 PM, Blogger Coriolis said…

    This is actually a subject that I have never really understood... The female body is a work of art, that goes without saying. The male body is, at best, utilitarian.

    This has lead me to understand lesbians - I mean, I understand the attraction... However, and it is mainly do to the 'utilitarian' thing, I just can't figure out what male homosexuals are after...

    It's interesting to hear that a small group of women where actually admitting that they found nothing appealing about the male physique. I guess the sex drive is just strong enough to counter the repulsiveness of the male body - I mean there are still a lot of babies being born...

  • At 4:28 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Oh dear, ever occurred to you that we were joking?

    I couldn't be more interested in males incl their bodies...which is why I understand the gay guys :)

  • At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    HEADLINE: France-America-Scandinavia

    Please explain "hanging thing" for mongoloid not part of woman talk

  • At 7:30 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    That's a discussion for a Saturday ;)


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