Whass up?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My Switzerland

For anybody visiting Switzerland here's a link to check out:



  • At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sweet, thanks!

  • At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Okay, so I booked my hotel. I’m staying rather close to the Hauptbanhof in this cute little hotel. Since I really know pretty much nothing about Zürich, I hope I made a good choice. From the hotel’s web site they’re claiming to be “situated in the heart of Zürich” and are supposed to be something like a 6 minute walk from a bunch of stuff (including the train station which is cool for me as I am planning to rely on my feet for transportation…). Of course, this is THEIR website, so who knows how true any of this is…

    I was wondering if you might be able to post a blog entry that might give me some ideas of what I should check out while I’m there...? I hate to bother you with this as I am sure you have many more important things to do than travel service for some guy you don’t even know … but I figured who better to ask for travel advice than an actual resident?

    And yes I do realize that the trip is still 2 ½ weeks away, but I’m getting rather giddy about all these trips I have coming up (5 trips in 5 weekends) since I do rather enjoy checking out new places… :-) I’m not sure how long I’ll be I Germany so I figured it’s time to do some adventuring… :-)


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