I got flowers today! Three white roses, they are beautiful. Somebody had been stupid and wanted to apologize. Isn't it great? No way I can stay mad with such a gesture. Am I a sucker or what?
Well, I’m afraid I would need a lot more information before I could actually decide on whether I thought you were a sucker or not. Although my opinion doesn’t really matter here, now does it? You are actually the only person in this whole great big world that has enough information to truly decide on whether or not you’re being a sucker.
I will say this, however … flowers are inexpensive and rather easily obtained. It’s the gesture that really counts here. Whoever this was actually went through the trouble and thought process to get the flowers and give them to you. I suppose that means something…
I am somebody who on good days feel pretty special, and on bad days feel like something unmentionable you scrape off the carpet. I.e. rather normal. Check out the blog, see if you like it. Feel free to comment!
At 2:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, I’m afraid I would need a lot more information before I could actually decide on whether I thought you were a sucker or not. Although my opinion doesn’t really matter here, now does it? You are actually the only person in this whole great big world that has enough information to truly decide on whether or not you’re being a sucker.
I will say this, however … flowers are inexpensive and rather easily obtained. It’s the gesture that really counts here. Whoever this was actually went through the trouble and thought process to get the flowers and give them to you. I suppose that means something…
At 4:08 PM,
Annika said…
The level of stupidity equalled flowers this time.
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