Whass up?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Heaven and hell

Lotsa people are religious, and I think I understand why. Think it's the feeling that something is greater than ourselves, since we often feel so small, and "something" would be there to protect us when things go shite.

Sometimes I'd like to be religious, wouldn't it be nice to think that you one day would be able to meet the loved ones who's gone there before you? Only, I'm sure there are one or two I wouldn't meet then, since I have a fair idea where I would end up :)

Actually, think I'd much prefer hell. I think of it as a hot place (think of the barbecues!), with lotsa partying, less boundaries than "upstairs", certainly a hell of (pun intended) a lotta more people and a greater diversity. Quite fun as a matter of fact.

Suppose I could be wrong, it has been known to happen before :)...


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