Whass up?

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Just read another blog. There is a funny item there that I'd like to share (I know the blog owner won't mind?). Here it is:

"astronomers using the merlin network of UK radio telescopes have identified a stream of alcohol gas that stretches for 463 million km.
it is in the constellation of cassiopeia, in a region where hot, young stars are forming.
i bet if we went there to visit, some germans would have put their towels down the night before."

Some people might think I have it in for ze Germans, but that's not true. They are people too. Aren't they :) ??


  • At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yes, we are. But you are right. They always put towels whenever and wherever they are near to water.

    Ze German


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