Whass up?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A good deed

Actually two. Some time ago I found a plastic bag on the bus, the bag containing a wrapped present and a card (yeah, I peeked). Gave it to the driver, with the info that I found it on the bus. For all I know he might have taken it home, but at least I did my bit.

Today one of the pupils in class was told by one of the teachers that he is not interested enough, he has the "wrong attitude". I do not agree. This time, I happen to be on his side, not on the teachers. So, we went for a drink after class to discuss the situation. Hopefully, he'll feel a bit better now. Told him that if he quits, they will win. Told him to stay above the chemistry (or non-) with this teacher, and that he should be the bigger person.

Will it work? We'll see tomorrow if he shows up.


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