Whass up?

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Repeat performance

Had a brilliant evening out yesterday again with old guy/new guy. The date didn't last 25 h, but that was only because I had to get up early for the German class (I'm telling you, there are about 100 things I'd rather do in the morning. Sleeping being one of them :).

Anyway, we had a really nice dinner in a place I haven't been before and then a delicious glass of wine in a "weinstube" (wine cellar type of place). After, we went dancing. Met some other friends, hooked up with them and ended up solving the worlds problems until fairly late. Sound familiar? Of course, but it was great.

These are the things that put a smile on my lips.


  • At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sounds like its all going swimmingly. cool! very happy for you!


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