Whass up?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

What makes a woman happy?

Obviously I cannot speak for everybody, but I can give a few tips on what makes me happy. Especially since I was so nicely asked by the bloke who commented on the dance piece.

One of the first dates with lover boy he brought me a little plant arrangement. It was so nicely (yet not sophisticated) put together, that I have gone to great length to keep it alive. Like giving it water every second day. Makes me happy to look at it.

Thoughtful little things like this are good for keeping a womans interest. Another thing are compliments. Never hurts. Focus on something that you like about the person (stay away from tits-and-ass ones, unless you're already in bed!), and be sure to give compliments. Can also be about other things than the body, even though those go a long way of making a woman feel beautiful.

Yet another thing that is attractive is to keep promises. When you say you would do something (phone call, help out, meet at a certain time, that type of thing), make sure you do. Or at least let the woman know if you cannot make it or if you're running late. Few things are as irritating as people who do not stay true to their word.

Forget putting the toilet seat down (I'm just as bad as the next bloke), but do make sure you do not pee outside. Urine stains in toilet...yuk!

Just a few tips for now, I'll get back with more later.


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