Whass up?

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I am now the proud temporary possessor of the dvd-package of Desperate houseviwes as mentioned in previous item. I am so tempted to start looking at it as we "speak". But as said, I will bide my time and do it when I have time to see it all in one go. Or at least in two goes. After all, we're talking about something like 18 hours of telly here. That's a long time.

Can't wait! Even willing to sacrifice one of my out-evenings. Scary, isn't it?


  • At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am quite surprised you have started already and could easily stop at episode 17 - just unbelievable. I worte a mail to Pro7 and have asked them by what time the second season is starting. I have heard from a close friend MM, that they will play it on SF2 in English. Al

  • At 11:03 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    I was just busy with other things...see the blog...Irish coffees over Desp housewives...oh yeah, anytime :)


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