Whass up?

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Dutch - again

Seems like I'm into nationalities this evening. Well, I worked in Holland for almost 2 years. The Dutch are known for their tulips, their wooden shoes and their ability to stay above water. For those of you who don't know, Holland was once almost covered by water. But the skills of the Dutch include know-how on to "bridge" this tiny problem :)

Anyway, another skill of the Dutch include trading. They are known for it. At one point in history time they had an empire. "The sun is always shining on a Dutch country/colony".

The reason for this escapes me. I was there, and the first word I learned was "overleg". This means discussion/let's talk this over/let's not make a decision today type of thing. How did they ever manage to get so successful? Beyond me.


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