Whass up?

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I have a good friend, who has a sense of style. This is great, since I don't. I always "use" him as a benchmark for any styling. I.e. if I can be bothered to do any styling at all :)

Anyway, this friend has a 2006 calendar which I really like. He has (on my insistent request I might add) now got me one too. What is so great with this calendar is that it has pictures of herbs and stuff and when you rub your finger on the picture you get the aroma of that month's herb. What a fantastic marketing idea!

For January/February it is tarragon, for March/April thyme and so forth. In case you're interested I'll keep you posted of the rest of the year :)


  • At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Too bad I did not get any more, have already asked for two. Someone interested? al

  • At 11:05 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Told my marketing friend today. He loved the idea of the aroma vs picture. I think he would be into it.


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