Whass up?

Thursday, January 05, 2006


I know I promised to shut up...but whaddayaknow...about the Dutch. Just one final thing. In the pub, where my friend works, they have a cat. The cat they got from a refugee place, and he has only been there for 2 weeks. However, the cat has settled in and really, he lives there. His name is Jacobus, and he thinks that the more people the merrier.

He has a favourite chair where he sleeps, and it is not, as you might think, a chair closed to a wall (most cats that I have come across love to be in charge and be able to see what's going on) but a chair in the middle of the pub.

He (the cat i.e. not the friend) has a tendency to feel people. One of the regulars has Alzheimers. He's allowed to visit the pub once a week on Sundays. Whenever he comes, the cat cuddles up beside him. It's like he feels he's needed.

Anybody who knows me know that I am crazy about cats, so check out the website (they need all the money they can get!): http://www.romancats.com/
And now, no more about the Dutch...it's time to blog about another nationality...


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