Whass up?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Nowadays when flying you don't even raise an eyebrow when a delay is announced. However, yesterday when flying back from Amsterdam I did indeed raise an eyebrow. This is how it went:

This is your captain. We are gearing up and plan to be in the air in about 10 min.

20 min later: This is your captain. We have a slight technical problem that is currently being investigated.

20 min later: This is your captain. We have now established the problem and are currently evaluating if we can fix it, or if we need to change the plane.

20 min later: This is your captain. We have now decided not to change planes, but to fix the problem. The problem is this: the safety belt on one of the cockpit chairs is not functioning and we cannot fix it. We will therefore swap the chair for one with a seatbelt that does work.

45 min later: This is your captain. We have now swapped the chair, and will be on our way in a few minutes.

Ended up being 2 hours late arriving in Zürich. But what the heck, at least the captain was safely fastened into his chair.


  • At 5:22 PM, Blogger anup.777 said…

    LOL ;) .... proves that life is stranger (& funnier) than fiction!

  • At 5:41 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Yeah, who needs soap operas when real life is so much more interesting!


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