Whass up?

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Does it ever happen to you that you walk into a room to get something, and when there, have no idea what it was you were going to get? Are these symptoms of early senility? Should I worry? Or am I just preoccupied sometimes?

Girls night out

Don't you just love a girls night out? It's great talking, having a few glasses of wine, and just relax and...well, talk. Funnily enough it always turns out the talk is about men. Guess we're kind of fascinated by them. Or could it be that they are so full of faults that there is always something to discuss? Challenge, anyone?

Todays word: thingy

sometimes used if you can't remember someone's or something's name:
Ask thingy over there, he'll know.

Friends vs relatives

Difficult concept.

Friends (the real ones) are always there for you but then again, not everything is like “Sex and the city”. I think/know/imagine most people’s lives are more complex. I remember when I referred to a woman friend like “ my best friend” and she said “you are one of them”. At the time I was offended. I think now that I’m a tad older that I understand what she meant. Different friends are good in different times. So, some people are good in good times, and others are good in bad times. Not exactly Newton or Einstein, but ever so difficult to learn.

Now, relatives are a different ballgame altogether. These are the people, when you grow up (yes, I’m still growing, mentally i.e. Coming to think of it probably also elsewhere : ) are always there. They don’t mean much to you then, because as said they’re always there. But when everything else falls apart they are still there. Since I lately had reason to think about this, I have learned to realize that both are needed. I guess that’s when you learn to differentiate the good ones from the bad. Friends or relatives don’t matter, good people, friends or relatives, are what matter.

The worst kind is the ones who says: “Is there anything I can do for you?”, and when you ask, they couldn’t care less. Why do they do it?

I am sure I have done this to other people without understanding. Here is my sincere apology.

So, summarizing, if you’re a friend or a relative, I don’t care, as long as you put up with me :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Use of men

Gosh, sometimes I really miss a man. Just had to remove blockage of shower drain, ending up emptying stomach in toilet...yuk! Just cannot take these things.

Men are also good for carrying heavy things, unscrew lids, put together IKEA furniture and oh yes, warm you at night :). Do all men have a built-in radiator?

It's like you can't live with them, but can't kill them either. The modern woman's dilemma.

Todays word: dilapidation

describes something old and in poor condition:
The hotel we stayed in was really dilapidated.
a dilapidated old car/shed

I wonder if the word can be used for people too? Like in "I feel a bit dilapidated today".

Patience is a virtue?

I don't think so. Good things come to those who wait? If so, I would still be in my home country...horrible thought.

No, I think that you must take things into your own hands (well, you know what I mean:). Push, push, push, that's what matters in this world.

Otherwise I like cliché's. According to the Cambridge dictionary it means a comment that is very often made and is therefore not original and not interesting, but I think it has become a cliché just because it is true (challenges welcome!). Well, except for patience is a virtue that is.

Monday, November 28, 2005


Sudoku is addictive! Once you start, it is hard to stop. I find that with lots of things :)...(insert joke here).

They say that if you train your brain, you will be more clever. Still waiting.

Todays word: infinite

without limits; extremely large or great:
an infinite number/variety
The universe is theoretically infinite.
With infinite patience, she explained the complex procedure to us.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Face lift?

As a wise man once said (my uncle actually). Who needs a face lift? What I would need is a skin lift. But then again, I do not want my nipples on my cheeks!

Unexplained mystery (oxymoron?)

Now, why is it that you cannot apply mascara and at the same time keep your mouth closed? If you have never thought about it, try and thou shall fail.

Oh, and in case you're a man, since men in my opinion rarely admit to weaknesses, let me know how you do it.

European vs American

When Americans visit Europe, they usually watch CNN for news from home. All of them claim that "CNN here is not the same as in America". I can understand that, but if European CNN is different from American CNN, shouldn't it be about Europe?

All I see when I switch on the telly is news about Iraq. Last time I looked at a map, Iraq was not located in Europe.

Now, I'm not claiming this is one of the big mysteries of the world, but surely there must be an explanation...anyone?


Just came off the phone with another good friend in Finland. The only thing that makes me feel a bit better, is that it is even colder, darker and more miserable there.

We discussed the concept of candles, now that it is 1st of advent. Apparently the Jewish go for the 7 candles, whereas we restrict ourselves to 4. Guess it's something to do with that jesus bloke. Nevertheless, candles are a great thing in winter time.


Spoke to another great friend yesterday. She's lives in Holland with her boyfriend, and I am so proud of that I introduced them to each other. May you never split up!

In fact I have been promised compensation after 5 years, so for New Year's I'm off to them to collect :)

I really look forward to a great party in Utrecht!

Todays word: enigma

noun [C]
something that is mysterious and seems impossible to understand completely:
She is a bit of an enigma.


Was supposed to meet up with a friend yesterday. She suggested lunch and to meet at 11.15! On a Saturday! In another town! Needless to say I didn't make it. On weekends I don't usually have breakfast before noon.

Lazy? Of course. Am much more of an evening and night person.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Todays word: oxymoron

noun [C]
two words used together which have, or seem to have, opposite meanings

An example would be an accountant with a sense of humour!

Meat sauce

Had a request for my meat sauce, so here goes:

Recipe for meat sauce:
Ground meat – half pork, half beef
Peppers and/or courchette + whatever you fancy
Tomato ketchup and chili sauce

Fry ground meet with spices (salt, pepper, chili)
Fry onions, mushroom, peppers, courchette and the rest separately.
Mix all together and add tomato ketchup and chili sauce.
Cook on low temperature for a while to let flavors mix together.
Serve with spaghetti.

Eat and enjoy!

Friday, November 25, 2005


Just started to spread the news about my excellent (!?!) blog and already people have been on it. Yes, I subscribed to some fishy website where they monitor the number of visitors. Don't be afraid, I cannot see who you are :)

3 people in the last hour, another all time high! But I guess it's the news factor. Just have to continue to be interesting, isn't that the trick?

Now, in case you're in another time zone, this is the time where myself go to the bathroom and spend about 2 min making myself presentable (take it or leave it-mentality), and then go out exploring Z.

More news another time, and thanks for visiting my website.

The Office

The Office is a great comedy show, one of the few great things England has given the world (comedy that is!).

The famous scene where the manager's announcing to the staff, "I have good news and bad news". "The good news is that I have been promoted". "The bad news is that you are all made redundant".

Food for thought, isn't it?

Friends - another great concept!

Where would you be without your friends? Everything else can go bonkers, but your friends will always be there for you. The real ones, the ones that count.

Just had a great talk with a friend in Chicago. One of these friends who you can talk to once a year, and still easily pick up where you left off last time.

Now, it's Friday and time to get in party mood. So let's!


Great piccie from my visit to the Zürich zoo last week.

Lemon tree

Isn't it weird when a lemon tree is blossoming in November? Well, I've had mine for two years and managed until now to grow exactly one lemon on it. Now, since I moved the tree back inside from the balcony, it is sprouting flowers left, right and center!

The lemons are tiny, we're talking millimeters here, but they are there. Probably something to do with global warming :)


Friends of the family stuck in Schiphol. But since they just spent a month in Thailand on holiday, it serves them right :) But knowing them, I think they just might explore the airport a bit, at least all the bars!

Weather in Europe stinks right now, so not a bad idea fleeing to a beach somewhere. Oh, the joy of a sunbed and an umbrella drink on the side. Holiday - that's a great concept!

Todays' word: life

Now, is it today's, todays' or todays? Anybody native English who can tell?

noun plural lives
[C or U] the period between birth and death; the experience or state of being alive.

Source: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/


Am half a liter of blood less in 4 min and 41 sec's. Think it's my all time high. The donor center is centrally located in town, and they are very nice to you. They make you eat and drink, and treat you nicely. Well, i suppose they should, since there is no compensation :)

Every time they test the blood for syphilis, gonorrhea, aids and hepatitis since "these are diseases you can get any time". Yeah right. I suppose a sex life would help!

Today's word: succession

1 [S] a number of similar events or people that happen, exist, etc. after each other: A succession of scandals and revelations has undermined the government over the past year. Life was just an endless succession of parties and dinners. (I so wish!!)

2 in succession happening one after another: She had her first three children in rapid succession. This is the seventh year in succession that they've won the cup.

3 [U] when someone takes an official position or job after someone else: Divorce would not prevent the Prince of Wales's succession to the throne.

Source: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Visit from Stockholm

Yesterday I had dinner with an old colleague from Stockholm. Nice when people you haven't seen in years keep in touch. I had beef tatar, which was delicious, together with a nice Chianti.

Today another colleague phoned. She's from Germany, and we worked together in Budapest a couple of years ago. She plans to visit, but it'll probably be next year. Soon Christmas is coming up. Oh, I look forward to glögg (gluh-wein)!

It is cold here now with minus degrees at night. Brrr! Time to light another candle and curl up in front of the telly.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Today was the day I created a blog

I know, I'm late. "Everybody" else is already on it. I guess it's the same way as I was late in getting a microwave back in the 80's. Perhaps I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat in trying new things.

So, why does everybody blog? A way to share things with your friends? A way to get published without cost? A kick of getting to see your words in print in public? Perhaps all of the above, and more. Who cares?

Anyway, now I'm here. And if you like what you read, let me know, and even more important, if you don't.

So today was the day I created a blog. Nothing other in particular has happened today. Here in Zürich it is cold and miserable, and a day for staying in, lighting candles and think about how happy I am for having a home that's warm and comfortable. Or a home at all for that matter.

Even here in Zürich, in one of the richest cities in the world, there are homeless people. Imagine that!

Guess I don't know where this is going, am as said new to blogging, so give me some space and I'll be back!!!