Whass up?

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Girls night out

Don't you just love a girls night out? It's great talking, having a few glasses of wine, and just relax and...well, talk. Funnily enough it always turns out the talk is about men. Guess we're kind of fascinated by them. Or could it be that they are so full of faults that there is always something to discuss? Challenge, anyone?


  • At 4:17 PM, Blogger fgdfgdfgdf said…

    i think its more like were so fascinated at how a creature can have so many faults compounded into one being. - any challenges?

  • At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Girls night out - November 2005

    Men are simple creatures … what you “girls” are actually talking about is girls. You think you’re talking about men, but in reality you’re discussing other women’s perceptions. It’s not the men that are important in your discussions as much as the thoughts that these other women have about the men and how much in line (or out of line) with your own they are.

    It would be the same if the discussions were about cumquats; however the need to be “on the same page” as others with cumquats is quite as important…

  • At 9:51 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    What the heck is a cumquat?

    We are women, therefore we discuss it from a womans perspective. Goes without saying :)

  • At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A cumquat is, according to dictionary.com:

    1. a small, round or oblong citrus fruit having a sweet rind and acid pulp, used chiefly for preserves.
    2. any of several citrus shrubs of the genus Fortunella, native to China, that bear this fruit.

    The point that I was trying to make (and unsuccessfully at that…) was that it’s not the men that you are talking about. The whole ritual of girls talking about guys is just a way to test your feelings against those of others. You’re trying to figure out if you “feelings” on this matter are in synch with your friends.

    Ehhh … never mind… You’re talking about men. ;-)


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