Whass up?

Friday, December 08, 2006


Yesterday we had a nice bottle of wine brought by the flatmate with dinner. But greedy as I am I felt I needed another glass after the bottle was finished (three people on one bottle of wine...like a piss in the Nile...you get the meaning). But since I ran out of red wine (what can I say? I have lotsa parties...and my friends like wine) I only had the gifts given to me on my birthday. At midnight it seemed like a really good idea to try one of them out.

I really shouldn't have. Ok, I'm an atheist but I would still call it "nectar of god". It was so friggin good that I felt like an eejit opening the bottle so late in the evening and with two people who didn't know good wine from a hole in the wall.

So whoever of you fantastic friends out there who gave me this wine. THANK YOU! I just wish I was a better friend to appreciate you...or rather your gift :)

PS. Having a glass just now, thinking of my marvellous friend (whoever you might be :)

PS 2. Wine is Peter Lehmann Barossa Australia called Clancy's...2003 vintage, a mix between Shiraz, Cab Sauv and Merlot. Yummmmm....


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