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Friday, December 01, 2006

A quiet German

Today I met the exception to the rule. A German who was very quiet. He almost whispered when talking, kinda making excuses for himself just being. How very unusual. And quite charming I might add. Had a feeling he would crap himself if I'd have said boooh. Certainly not the type to go down to the beach at 4 in the morning and mark a sunchair with a towel.

It's a friend of a friend who's looking for a place to stay.

It was quite funny when he left a voice mail the other day. In German (guy doesn't speak English) referring to a "Frau B", a common friend. I don't know a "Frau B". Since I never adopted the German habit of using the formal Sie I didn't at all understand who he was. Only when I was speaking to another friend did the light go on. Aha, that was the guy that a friendgirl talked about last Friday.

And today when he arrived he thought I was Swiss! I don't know whether to be insulted or not, but since my German (apparently) was as good as the Swiss would speak it...hmmm, coming to think of it it doesn't say much :)...I'm choosing to be flattered.

Anyway, he has some things to consider before he can move to Switzerland, so we'll see whether he will be the next flatmate or not...


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