Whass up?

Monday, December 18, 2006


Today was a day full of fights. Fortunately I didn't participate but I got involved.

First one was with cooking friend from yesterday, also known as the ex. Yesterday we talked about him coming over to share the leftovers for dinner. At noon I sms'd him to say three o'clock kwak-kwak? Two hours later there was no answer, and I was hungry so I ate. Of course in the middle of dinner he answered saying three o'clock was ok.

When he arrived I told him he would be angry. And yes, was I right or was I right? When he heard that I already ate he stormed in, got his cooking utensils and stuff, and stormed out again. Only to ring the door again and ask for the money (we agreed in advance to share the cost for the dinner). Fine, so he got his money. And I couldn't be bothered to be upset. Seen his behaviour too many times before.

In the evening I was meeting up with a friendgirl. 5 min before I was leaving, she sms'd to say "I had a fight. I don’t come". Ah gee, thanks. No explanation who the fight was with, no sorry. But ok, by then I was used to it :)

So went on my own to town. And whaddayaknow...lots of acquaintances showed up. Had a good time. And spent some time thinking about what to blog about...reflection. Good thing.

But later, friendgirl decided to show up anyway. She really wears her heart on her sleeve. Which is why she ends up being hurt. And it just so happens I know a little bit about this...I do it too much too.

PS. Mental note to oneself, must stop caring!


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