Whass up?

Friday, December 15, 2006

Limmat vs Liffey

Was out a bit tonight. Met this couple from Dublin. Actually, was hanging at my table when I heard this accent, so had to initiate a conversion. As you do. Or possibly as I do.

Anyway, in Ireland protection like condoms was forbidden until quite recently, and when it came up in discussion it turned out they'd been together for 14 years. 14 f...ing years!!! That's a long time people. And no kids.

They were also of the opinion that email was an invention of the devil. "What's wrong with phone calls?". Nothing I guess, but sms and emails are good complements. Right? I didn't even bring up my blog...think they would've choked.

Nevertheless, they were nice people. And they liked the fact that I had been in Dublin, seeing the statue of Molly Malone :)


PS. For you "uneducated" :) out there Limmat is the river in Zürich, and Liffey is the one in Dublin.


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