Whass up?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


So was out with the boat today with two gay friends. Was kinda hoping to get a glimpse of the goodies, but alas, was not to be today. Why is it that most gay men seem to be hung like a horse?

Anyway, went to my usual place for half an hour on the way home. You know, just to say hello and yeah ok, have a glass of wine :)

When I was there the band was playing, in more sense than one. One guy was playing the clarinet, and the other band member was feeling his balls, at which point the clarinet went into soprano :)...guess you had to be there. But trust me, it was funny. As supposed to the stand-up comedian yesterday. Who (apparently) was funny too, only he spoke Switschedutch only. Which I refuse to understand :)


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