Whass up?

Monday, May 15, 2006

4 types of men

Blogged about this before, but since it's a good one and it came up this evening, here goes again: There are four types of men: the breast man, the leg man, the butt man and the "I-take-what-I-can-get-man".

The one I was telling was asking me: "what about men?" and I was like...that's not for me to say, I'm a woman. That's for you to have an opinion on.

And he goes: "Yes, there are women who like muscly men (like the one who got the wine box :), there are women who like tall men, and there are women who like bald men. Yeah, right. Still waiting for the fourth type...

And I must say, it's not very funny...men? They have a lot going for them, but perhaps a sense of humour is not one of the traits :) ??


  • At 2:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Women look at it in a whole different way. The key thing is the money woman - the man has got to be rich (and/or famous)and everything else doesnt matter. How often do you see gorgeous women do you see with old, fat or ugly guys who are loaded? Take Donald Trump for example. Then there's the looks, a-man-as-my-latest-fashion-accessory, woman. The sex woman - if they're great in bed everything else pales in significance. and the intelligence woman - but this one could be a fallacy.
    theres also the I-take-what-I-can-get woman, its a self confidence thing, anyone who says they love you is better than no one who does.

  • At 12:45 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Wow, guess that answered my question :)

  • At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I recently read that they have found that womens' preferences have changed the last decade or so. Whereas the powerfull rich man were the it-man of the past, women now tend to choose men based on their looks. They think that this has to do with women becomning more independent and therefore less dependent on a man to provide for them.


  • At 2:20 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Good thing I'm an independent woman, then!


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