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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Personal shopper

I can recommend it. Especially when it's a friend and it cost you no more than a drink or so :)

Did the shopping today that I mentioned earlier. Basically I sat down in the fitting room, waiting for clothes to appear and to try them on. Gosh, is it dirty in these booths! Got a sneezing fit from all the dust.

And I must admit that she did a good job. It cost me much less than expected, and was relatively painless, even though I'm friggin tired after the 3 hours we spent doing it.

Only two mistakes have been spotted so far. One of the three pair of shoes turned out to be brown instead of the black I thought I bought. I blame the light in the shop (or perhaps somebody didn't look in the box?...I'm sure it cannot have been me).

The other mistake is more questionable. My shopper got me one of these business-type-looking short jackets that she said would go nicely with a skirt or a pair of pants. Obviously with a top under. My gay friend told me later that it was too tight. "You want them to listen to you when you do a presentation, not for them to look at your boobs, don't you?". Hmmm. How's about both? Seriously, of course I want them to listen to me, but my boobs will be there anyway. Should I hide them?

Opinion, anyone?


  • At 1:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hmm, I need to get me one of them - but preferably one who will also pay for the stuff

  • At 9:28 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    It's a matter of priorities, what you choose to spend your money on...


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