I'm tellin' ya. Was suggesting to meet up this afternoon for a drink with a guy I know. He turned me down, based on that he had a washing machine waiting for him at home. Oh gee, does wonders for my self-esteem :)))
I am somebody who on good days feel pretty special, and on bad days feel like something unmentionable you scrape off the carpet. I.e. rather normal. Check out the blog, see if you like it. Feel free to comment!
At 5:15 PM,
Coriolis said…
Ouch ... turned down for laundry ... that's gotta sting a bit...
At 10:27 PM,
Annika said…
You have personal experience?
At 11:14 PM,
Coriolis said…
No... I can just imagine though...
At 11:20 PM,
Annika said…
Yes of course. At least it didn't cost me anything :)
At 11:31 PM,
Coriolis said…
Yeah, I guess that's true ... relevant? I don't know... but true
At 1:07 AM,
Annika said…
This is a blog...is something relevant? You tell me.
At 1:56 PM,
Coriolis said…
This is life - everything is relevant...
At 6:00 PM,
Annika said…
Yes but it's my life...relevant to me...not sure about others though :)
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