Whass up?

Monday, September 25, 2006

Hunger strike

Got told off again today. I blog too much. Which means people cannot keep up. But decided to ignore. Yes, of course I can do the blog items in a Word document and post them later, but then what would be the point? A blog is instant. What I think right now. And if you cannot keep up. Well, too bad. So sorry, here we go:

This evening there was a protest march, a demonstration. Their posters (or whatever you call it) said "Hunger strike". Which I thought was a bit odd in one of the richest countries in the world. I was almost getting a bit angry. Until I got the explanation.

It was a hunger strike by the lefties in reaction to an election (that apparently has already taken place!...isn't that typical left?) where the majority wanted to make it more difficult for asylum-seekers to stay here.

This is one of the few times where I sympathize with the left-wing. Not enough to go on a hunger strike mind you, but I for once believe they're right.

Perhaps this is because I'm a foreigner myself, but what's wrong with open borders as long as you don't abuse the hospitality?


  • At 9:13 AM, Blogger Coriolis said…

    You need to go have a talk with Georgey boy – maybe you can talk some sense into his pea-sized mass of nervous tissue that he believes is his brain.

    The thing is that the Bushinator (and his whacky band of cronies) are all about keeping immigrants out of the states as well. They’ve even proposed building some kind of wall along the Mexican border. I mean, yeah sure why not? We’ve all been witness to how well these walls usually turn out…

    I mean why can’t people just learn to be acceptable of others? This whole “imaginary line” concept that we have separating areas that people are either allowed to enter or forced to stay out of based on actually nothing more than where these people have chosen to live is a bit insane if you think about it. Oh well, I guess we need to be careful, right? I mean there are those out there that will actually kill you based on where you were born or have chosen to live. Why all the violence? Can’t we just at least try to get along…?

  • At 9:25 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    But who wants to move to the US anyway :) ??

  • At 11:25 AM, Blogger Coriolis said…

    Ahh, yes ... good point. ;-)


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