Whass up?

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Today we did role-play in German class. The topic was "Gentleman". Somebody has written a book about how gentlemen are "in" again. Like opening the door for women, paying the bill without making a fuss of it, always be attentive to the womans needs, that type of thing. I like the always be attentive thing, but not only for men, for all. Also, respect is a given. Forget the door-opening, forget the hanging-up-the-coat, forget the old-fashioned "gentleman".

Personally, I'd like a man who is equal, who shows respect (just like I do in return), who listens, who is "normal".

Funnily enough in the role-play I got to play the part of the emancipated woman...against the author of the book, an 73-year-old professor who thought that "women are like flowers", and a social worker who thought that everybody is equal. Think I played my part with some emphasis :)


  • At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Once I had a lover who told me I was a flower... but in black and white...

    I am just getting colours... :)

  • At 3:16 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    I asked the guy today which flower he was referring to about women...guess what he said? Cauliflower...HAHAHAHAHA!

  • At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Poor man... lost in space... :)


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