Whass up?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Lustig abend

And right here I abandoned my promise never to blog in German. Mind you, not sure it's proper German. It may be "lustige abend", "lustigen abend", "lustiges abend", and abend with a capital A. Who f... knows? And more importantly, who f... cares??

But since am woman, have the right to change my mind at any time. So did.

So, it was a different evening. Lotsa bands playing in my fav place. And tv was there recording. Funny thing that. I do not have much experience of tv, other than looking at it. Mind you, I was once dancing in the background in a program long, long time ago. Don't think I care for it to be honest. It was friggin hot. The camera lights were uncomfortable. I spent most of the time trying to hide. Who wants to have their life public? Not me.

Until I realized they are gonna show it on tv on a channel nobody has ever heard of. It's (apparently) called U1. Now, I have 46 channels on my telly, and U1 is not one of them. So I guess this was a non-event. Something created but not something that people will eventually care about. Suits me fine :)


  • At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As your blog probably have more viewers than this U1-channel, wouldn't you consider yourself kind of living your life in public?


  • At 2:19 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Good point :)


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