Whass up?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Topic for todays discussion in German class was a free Montenegro. You know, one of them tiny new countries, that together with Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia came out of former Yugoslavia.

I asked the two women from Montenegro and Croatia whether the war was worth it, and how they felt about being free. Not surprising their opinion was no. It was a war started by the politicians, who never asked the people what they wanted. Of course they appreciate being free, but they regarded themselves as free also before the war.

The only result apart from having the men in your family fighting an (unnecessary?) war and the related problems, all they have now is confusion. The administration doesn't work. The new countries are all independent, and therefore do not work together. Bit of a bl...y mess they said.

Politicians, why do we need them?


  • At 12:40 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    Sorry, forgot Hercegovina and probably parts of Kosovo too...so shoot me...ok, didn't mean that literally...please...kinda like living.


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