Whass up?

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Took my boat out for the first time this season today. Couldn't believe it. When I opened up the cover and the door, there was bird-shit all over the place...and I mean, all over the f...ing place. Not only that. Some bird had built a friggin nest in it. In my boat. And laid eggs!!!

I spent an hour cleaning bird-shit out of the boat. And the nest. And the eggs (were contemplating cooking them for breakfast tomorrow but decided against it in the end. Too small.) And you wonder why I dislike birdies?

Actually a bird had nested on the next boat, and I spent a long time telling her off. "This is not on"..."you have no business nesting in my boat"...that type of thing. Until I saw that her eggs were different from the ones in my boat. I then had to apologize. And for those of you who know me, that takes a lot of effort :)


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