Whass up?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


For me this is a time. Apparently it means something else here in Switzerland. Like standard. You get asked a question, like an ordinary one. It's known as an "08.15"-question. Everything that is standard, boring, ordinary, is 08.15. Why? Nobody seems to know. But it is.

So next time I'm asked "Where are you from?", "What's your name?" I'm going to refer to 08.15...somehow I don't think it'll work...


  • At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Herewith the explanation of 08/15 (english version further down):

    08/15 lautete die Zusatz-Bezeichnung eines 1915 bei den dt. Truppen eingeführten leichten Maschinen-Gewehrs (LMG 08/15). Dieses MG war aus dem schweren Maschinen-Gewehr (MG 08) von 1908 entwickelt worden. Die Soldaten bezeichneten danach allgemein etwas, das sich als neu ausgab, aber im Grunde schon alt war, als '08/15'.

    Annika, this means:

    in 1915 a machine-gun was released to the german military. This gun tecnically was based on a gun named MG08 which was developed in 1908. The diffence between both is that the 1915 gun was lighter than the 1908 one. Since the 1915 one was not really a new development the soldiers started to call things which seems to be new but aren't "08/15".

    Ze German

  • At 1:44 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Aha, the things you don't know!


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