Whass up?

Monday, October 30, 2006


Time for Q&A’s. For some reason I have received several versions of an email the last couple of weeks. You know the ones where you are asked to answer a lot of questions, and then send it on to your friends/acquaintances in order to get to know them better. I have a better idea. I post the questions and my answers here, and those of you who feel so inclined, please post your answers under comments. It would indeed be nice with SOME answers :)

A. 4 movies I can see over and over again:
1. Gone with the wind (a classic!)
2. Pretty woman (obviously!)
3. The green mile (like Tom Hanks)
4. Something’s gotta give with Jack Nicholson, or anything with Jack N really.

B. 4 places I lived in:
1. Zürich
2. Utrecht
3. Copenhagen
4. Varberg

C. 4 programs I watch on telly:
1. Sex and the city
2. Desperate housewives
3. News
4. Documentaries

D. 4 places I went on holiday to:
1. Australia (highlight was to snorkle at the Great Barrier Reef)
2. Caribbean (St Martin)
3. Cook Island (Rarotonga)
4. Spain (all over the place really)

E. 4 websites I visit daily:
1. google.com
2. dictionary.cambridge.org
3. tagesanzeiger.ch
4. blogger.com :)

F. 4 places, where I’d rather be just now:
1. Nowhere really, Zürich rocks!
2. Maybe Australia, if I could beam myself there and didn’t have to fly
3. South Africa would be interesting
4. I liked the Caribbean, perhaps Jamaica?


  • At 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A. 4 movies I can see over and over again (this is gonna be sad):
    1. Dirty Dancing
    2. Grease
    3. Footloose
    4. Indochine

    B. 4 places I lived in:
    1. Zürich
    2. Cheltenham
    3. BrisVegas
    4. London

    C. 4 programs I watch on telly:
    only shite comes on TV here so have to include stuff that doesnt come on anymore
    1. spics and specks
    2. Seinfeld
    3. 6 feet under
    4. sexand the city

    D. 4 places I went on holiday to:
    1. Tanzania
    2. Sicily
    3. Costa Rica (not really holiday but wasnt long enough to say i lived there)
    4. Malaysia

    E. 4 websites I visit daily:
    1. hotmail
    2. google
    3. the guardian
    4. afo828.blogspot.com ;)

    F. 4 places, where I’d rather be just now:
    1. I'm at work so many, many places
    2. at home on the balcony having breakfast
    3. swimming in the ocean off a secluded beach
    4. in a crowded buzzing food market

  • At 1:30 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    A. Nobody leaves baby in the corner :)

    B. Zürich No 1!

    C. Seinfeld...puleeeze!

    D. Sicily. Was there too. Not fun...since being blond and a woman became a hinder. Couldn't walk the streets freely. For once in my life I had too much male attention!

    E. V. much like No 4 :)

    F. No 3, yeah.

  • At 2:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    how could anyone who openly admits they like Tom Hanks (Tom Hanks!!?!) knock Seinfeld? ;)

  • At 8:03 AM, Blogger Annika said…

    Tom Hanks is cool! Anybody who can pull off a movie like Castaway is worthy of respect. Two hours of only him and still not boring.

    Forrest Gump is almost a classic.

    I don't know what it is with me and Seinfeld, I just don't like him. Maybe it's the voice? He sounds like a girl. But I know he's successful and liked by lots.

  • At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    have to admit I didnt see Castaway, as I dont like Tom Hanks, and I did like Big and Turner and Hooch and Philadelphia. so its not all his movies I dont like I just find him too clean cut American I guess, and I always think of Sleepless in Seattle which just sucked, dont get me started on Meg Ryan, ugh.
    I dont like Seinfeld himself - he's a wanker, but I do love that show, of course Jerry was the least funny character in it.

  • At 11:00 AM, Blogger Coriolis said…

    Okay, I know I'm not part of the "in" crowd on this blog, but I'm gonna answer the questions anyway - it'll give Annika yet another chance to rip on the silly American...

    A. 4 movies I can see over and over again:
    1. Pink Floyd - The Wall (of course you gotta appreciate the music to like this flick...)
    2. SLC Punk!
    3. Pulp Fiction
    4. Six Degrees of Seperation

    B. 4 places I lived in:
    1. Braunschweig, Germany
    2. Longmont, Colorado
    3. Boca Raton, Florida
    4. Detroit, Michigan (sad, but true...)

    C. 4 programs I watch on telly:
    1. The Daily Show & The Colbert Report (okay, so it's 2 ... I'm cheatinig...)
    2. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
    3. South Park (what can I say, I 'live' in Colorado...)
    4. Freaks and Geeks (great show - lasted one season)

    D. 4 places I went on holiday to:
    1. Las Vegas
    2. Amsterdam
    3. Athens
    4. Zürich

    E. 4 websites I visit daily:
    1. coriolis364.blogspot.com
    2. myspace
    3. google analytics (to see how #1's doing...)
    4. my.Yahoo.com (homepage...)

    F. 4 places where I'd rather be just now:
    1. Home
    2. Amsterdam (always a nice place to be...)
    3. The World Series of Poker
    4. Detroit (okay, that sounds insane, but I have family and friends there...)


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