Whass up?

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Was out with the boat on Thursday. Very lucky with the weather. Clouds disappeared in the afternoon and we went out. Was swimming like 3 times, but only because I felt like perhaps this is the last time this year. Friggin cold I tell you, about 20°C.

Anyway, flatmate and I have a plan. Going out tomorrow. At 11. Am. That is about 6,5 hours from now. Not sure plan will work...but the idea is good. Buying breakfast at the bakery, taking the boat out, enjoy.

Then dinner at friends place in the evening. These particular friends are early type of people. So dinner starts at 6 pm...which means they start to yawn at about 9-10 pm. That is usually when I wake up...not literally...but mindwise. Guess diversity is a good thing...and when getting back to Zürich, there are places to see, people to go...;)


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