Whass up?

Thursday, August 03, 2006


So another friendgirl and I went to a Spanish bodega type of place for a drink. After a while a couple of guys sat down next to us. We started a conversation (as you do). Turns out one of them worked as a kinda principal/behaviour science type of person, the other one had worked plenty of years in Africa and was currently fighting skin cancer (yes, he had the face covered in thingies and I asked...how else would you know?).

We got along fine, well sorta, until I discovered that they had no clue about feminism. They probably thought it was a "nice thing". And said "these things take time"...which is what I heard in the 80's...how long can it f... take?

And when one of them said that "I'm a socialist" I moved to the left. Well, only way to move so let's just say I moved away, ok? This is the stuff that destroyed countries so how can anybody still be a socialist?


  • At 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    although I have no idea what the 'things' are that you were actually talking about that 'take time', its so annoying when men say stuff like that, (even more annoying when women do). There is no reason why equal rights should take time. enough excuses already.

    he doesnt sound like much of a socialist to me, but then again most people who claim they are arent at all.

    well, thats my rant for today

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger Annika said…

    Agreed. Just do it for f...s sake!


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