Whass up?

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Cat fight

I'm in the middle of it. Very interesting to watch from a distance (which I agree is a bit of an oxymoron). Person 1 being a woman, who's "in love" with person 2 (a man). Think that the woman is more interested in the man than the other way around. Now into the equation comes person 3 (another woman). The man is interested in her. She is not in him (well, not too much anyway. Attracted maybe, but not overly so).

Like said, very interesting to watch from a distance. No way I wanna get into this mess :)...especially since it has already involved hitting with umbrellas, nasty stares, impolite conversations...etc. etc.

But as they say, in love and war...(just happy I'm in neither one!).


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