Whass up?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

CHF 1,044

This was the bill for one of the groups today. That is a lot of money. For the Americans it's almost the same in USD, just a little bit less.

One of the waiters showed the bill to me, and I asked how can that be? He showed the spec to me, they had among other things 54 Jägermeister. That is something that will never pass my lips. It is absolutely disgusting. Tastes like medicine. So I guess it has passed my lips at least once. But that is nothing for me. Especially since they have this thing. The drink comes in small bottles. You (apparently) have to uncork it, put the cork on your nose, and then the bottle between your teeth, and just gulp it down. I know, not a pretty sight.

Anyway, the waiter came back really disappointed. The people paid the bill, but gave no tip whatsoever. And I agree. If you can afford to pay CHF 1,044 for a night out, you can surely also afford to reward the waiter.



  • At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    absolutely correct !!!!!

    What I often realise regarding tips. People who don't have a big salary are much more generous than those who really can afford it.

    But there is a German saying: where money is, money goes to

    Obviously it's important to be stingy to become rich.

    Annika that's our misfortune: we are to generous.

    Ze German


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