Whass up?

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Unexpected visit

Like I said in my blog item on Friday, sometimes the unexpected happen. It did to me and this is how it went:

Friday evening I ran into a guy I had a fling with some time ago. He wanted to go for a drink after the place closed. I said maybe. We both ended up talking to other people during the course of the evening, and when closing time was near, I decided to leave. He was busy talking to somebody so I just left.

Got home, blogged a bit, had a glass a wine, went to bed. Half an hour later the door bell goes. I got up, confused and sleepy, and decided not to open. However, after three rings, I did buzz him in. After all, you don't wanna wake up half the house.

Opened the door, and said: "what are you doing here?" (yes, it was the same guy). He said: "you didn't say goodbye when you left". So I said, "goodbye". He looked at me, and we both started to laugh at the same time. What could I do, but invite him in?

We had another glass of wine, listened to classical music (which it turned out that we both like) and talked for 3 hours. Nothing else happened (in case you wondered).

So again, Fridays are great. You never know what's gonna happen...


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