Whass up?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Scary neighbour

I have a really scary neighbour. He lives across from me, and has a balcony, as do I. When I moved in here 3 1/2 years ago, my friends and I tried to make contact by toasting, by saying something but no response whatsoever.

Some time ago I met my other neighbours in my house (yes, it's right, we do not exactly mix on a daily basis here in this house. I only talked to them for the first time after 3 years. Lots to say about anonymity in this country I tell you). Anyway, they had exactly the same experience, and they have been living in this house for 7 years.

My friends and I have named him "Smoky Joe", since that seems to be all he does. Every 5 min he goes on the balcony to smoke. One wonders why, since he lives alone. Just a thought, but why not smoke indoors? My neighbours have named him "Hangman", since they think he is the type.

Whatever is the case, it is scary. In the time I lived here, I have seen him on the phone twice and having visitors twice. I think the visitors were his Mum and sister. What a sad life.


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